
Do not underestimate the role of judges in the Calypso

No one can and should underestimate the role of judges in the Calypso art form, to be treated with such little importance as seems to be the case by the lack of training and workshops for judges organised by the DCA.

Most presenters on the night either sang out of key, talked or were incomprehensible. I must say though, some creativity was evident in Sour’s “Grindner” and Unwanted’s, “Selling the Country in Parts”. These were interesting concepts skilled writers could really develop into masterpieces.

I surmise that this particular judge who I know has done and have been empaneled when other travesties in the past took place is just not capable. While the majority of judges certainly need workshopping. Willingness, love the arts form, always coming to Calypso shows seeming objectivity is not enough to qualify one to be a judge. Your knowledge must be augmented with your ability to execute impartially and provide reasons why you have arrived as such a position.

I think the judges are all well-intentioned but quite a few lack the analytical and musical competence to sit on the panel while others require refresher exercises from time to time. This has not been conducted for quite some time by the DCA and so I anticipate a few more Nacheal-like disasters this Calypso season.

Alas, I hear talk of a workshop soon by this progressive executive and the newly installed judges coordinator; so let us hope some of my fears will be averted.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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Ian Jackson

Hi, I am Ian Jackson fondly and artistically known as “ Jacko”. I have found that scores of people approach me for information as a 30 year weekly columnist on the arts and author of several literatures. More so in my profession as a teacher of Business and English, I have made it my business to share, impart knowledge and exchange ideas.

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