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GovernmentPress Release

Dominica and UN Sign Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework

The Government of Dominica, on Wednesday March 16, signed a new United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework (MSDCF) for the Caribbean for the period 2022 -2026.

The Framework focuses on four areas: economic resilience and shared prosperity; equality and wellbeing; resilience to climate change shocks and sustainable natural resource management; and peace, safety, justice, and the rule of law.

The new cooperation framework was signed by Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica and H.E Didier Trebucq, UN Resident Coordinator for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.

Prime Minister Skerrit said the Multi-Country Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework will assist Dominica to develop strategies to improve health, education and social services, and contribute to economic growth.

The agreement we are signing today proposes to help our small territories confront the trials of our time and achieve economic resilience and prosperity. It is cause for optimism as we devise ways to tackle our common problems together.

A country-specific work plan will be developed to help us build resilience to climate change and shock, maintain equality among our peoples and promote the wellbeing of all citizens. The proposed interventions include development financing; health; climate change mitigation and adaptation mechanisms; disaster preparedness and response; and cross-border issues including migration, trade, transnational crime and trafficking, implementation of human rights and gender equality standards, transport, and ocean governance.

Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica

In his remarks, H.E Trebucq, assured Dominica of UN support to meet its development objectives, giving focus to two urgent priorities.

One is to accelerate progress in this post-COVID situation for the attainment of the sustainable development goals and second, to facilitate a faster recovery from the socio-economic impact of COVID-19.

We will also continue driving the ambitious climate agenda in Dominica to support the country in achieving its target to become the first climate-resilient nation with climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. Rest assured we are fully committing to enhancing national capacity, disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation programmes.

H.E Didier Trebucq, UN Resident Coordinator for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean

Dominica’s Minister for Planning, Economic Development, Climate Resilience, Sustainable Development, and Renewable Energy, Hon. Dr. Vince Henderson welcomed the “new programmatic approach to sustainable development.”

We are confident that this cooperation framework will bring greater focus on development assistance, eliminate duplication, reduce transaction costs and coordinate development assistance that is data-driven and policy-led.

Hon. Dr. Vince Henderson, Minister for Planning

Prime Minister Skerrit also expressed gratitude to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, for his leadership and sincere advocacy on behalf of small-island developing states like Dominica, especially in difficult times.

He said the United Nations had been a valuable partner in Dominica’s response to Tropical Storm Erika, Hurricane Maria and the COVID-19 pandemic, through the provision of technical support, advice, and the mobilization of resources and supplies to respond to these shocks.

This article is copyright © 2022 DOM767

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