
Dominica Churches Counter LGBTQ Demands with Biblical Teachings

The Dominica Association of Evangelical Churches (DAEC) says lesbianism and homosexuality are unscriptural. The group made this assertion while responding to claims that the LGBTQ community in the country intends to take the government to court. The LGBTQ community reportedly wants to challenge the criminalization of buggery and other related sexual relationships in court.

The Sexual Offences Act of 1998 prohibits buggery and other gross sexual indecencies in the country. The law stipulates jail terms and medical rehabilitation for offenders. However, given the rising popularity of the LGBTQ movement across the world, the group in Dominica believes they are being marginalized.

Their recourse to the law courts is backed by Minority Rights Dominica (MIRIDOM), the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, and the University of Toronto’s International Human Rights.

The DAEC, led by its president, Pastor Randy Rodney, said the church will staunchly resist any move to cow the government into changing the nation’s sexual offences laws. Pastor Rodney said everything related to LGBTQ values is unbiblical and sinful to God. He added that the nation of Dominica is founded on godly principles and that the Bible should be the basis for life in the country.

Supporting the DAEC in the fight against decriminalizing buggery and other related sexual conducts is the Christian Union Churches (CUC). District Superintendent of the CUC for Dominica District, Reverend Bishop Lennox Timothy, said there is nothing good or spiritual about homosexuality. Responding to the argument that gays are born that way, Timothy countered that being born a corrupt individual does not make corruption naturally acceptable.

“The Bible teaches that every person’s nature is corrupt and must be regenerated by God,” Bishop Timothy stated. “Thus all men are born naturally into a multitude of vices and as Christians, we trust God to produce in us a new nature which is a product of the new birth of Christ.” 

Pastor Jennifer Valerie, assistant secretary, and treasurer with DAEC went further to decry the level of public nudity sweeping across Dominica. She said even straight folks are taking after lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, and transgenders in their display of indecency. She said lewdness, indecent exposure, and public sexual activity are the bane of moral bankruptcy across the country, adding it is high time people returned to the Bible for guidance.

The Creator’s statement that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and other utterances, such as he that looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery in his heart, give an indication that great value is in each person, and should not be cheapened by placing it on human display,” Valerie counseled.

Pastor Jennifer Valerie

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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