Dominica State College Debating Team Heads to St. Lucia for Annual Competition

A debating team from the Dominica State College leaves the island on Sunday, June 23 for St. Lucia to participate in the second annual debate competition and exchange with the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College.
The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (SALCC) will host the debate competition and exchange. There will be two competitive debates, engagements in debating and public speaking, and networking activities which will run over two days.
This exercise aims to continue to foster regional integration through academia, to promote collegial information sharing and cultural exchange, and also to strengthen the art of debating amongst young people.
Anna-Lisa Hunter, Bijoux Alisha Desiree, Adeola Xavier, and Tyquanda Davis will represent Dominica State College in the two scheduled debates. Arielle Ford will also form part of the team and will take part in the workshops and exchange. All the team members are executive members of the DSC’s Literary & Debating Society.
The debaters will debate on the topics “A circular economy approach is the most sustainable path to a just and inclusive society.” and “Constitutional challenges to laws which criminalize consensual, private sexual acts between persons above the age of consent, is the best way to reduce the marginalization of the LGBTQ+ community.”
Coach and Advisor of the Dominica State College Literary and Debating Society, Trudy Christian will accompany the debaters.
The participation of the DSC team in this competition was sponsored by the American Canadian School of Medicine, Nagico Insurances, Republic Bank, Amy Lloyd, and several private sponsors.
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