Dominica State College – Service Learning Fair

The Department of Student Affairs of the Dominica State College is exciting to be holding a Service Learning Fair regarding all things volunteering at College on Thursday, September 5, between 10am-3pm.
The day will begin for all students, freshman and returning to attend a sensitization training. At this training student will learn the importance of their activities, how to be a volunteer and what to know become embarking on their opportunities. Sessions will be led by honorary guests from IsraAID, CREAD and the IOM.
After sessions, students will be invited to the tabling events in upper campus. At this time partnered organizations who have opportunities for students to volunteer will be available to speak to students. The State College is still looking for partner organizations who will be interested in accepting students as well as attending the tabling event.
The tabling event will also include entertainment by some of Dominica’s top DJs who will be promoting the importance of Service Learning. On September 5th between 10 am to 3pm all students are welcomed to attending training, tabling, and entertainment!
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