
Dominican Leads the Pack with Over 10 Awards at the Royal Montserrat Police Academy

Dominican leads the pack with over 10 awards at the Royal Montserrat Police Academy. Twenty-four-year-old St. Luke Junior Leblanc joined the Montserrat Police service after he arrived in the country in February this year and emerged as the best recruit at the Royal Montserrat Police Academy.

Originally from Penville in Dominica, Leblanc won over 10 awards over several competitors at the police academy and these included –

  • The Barton of Honor
  • Best in officers’ safety
  • Best in police subjects
  • Best in drills
  • Best in traffic subject
  • Best in progress test average
  • Best in giving evidence

The award-winning police recruit also got recognition for the overall highest average, as well as medals for highest score in progress test 1 and 2. His group equally won the 11 mile endurance run.

A former student of Lead Institute and a former staff of Secret Bay Hotel, Leblanc credited his parents, Luke and Monica Leblanc, for the motivation for his police success. His dedicated his awards to his parents and the Penville five who lost their lives in a 2017 accident. He said he won numerous awards because he pushed hard to make his parents – who had suffered so much in life – proud of him.

“I was elated and I did it to make my mom and my dad proud because we have been through a lot; we have been through many struggles,” Leblanc revealed. “I came up with the idea that I’m not coming up here to do any mediocre performance.”

The young man said he endured 23 weeks of hard training before coming tops at the academy. He described waking very early in the morning to clean the compound before the early morning drills began. He engaged in tough physical training and strived to balance this with the academics at the academy.

Based on his experience and success at the academy, Leblanc has some advice for other youths who want to make it in life.

“I would tell every young man and every young woman, don’t give up; go on,” he advised. “Don’t worry with what people may say. Don’t be afraid to take a risk; don’t be afraid to just leave your comfort zone and do something different because for you to strive in life you have to leave your comfort zone.”

The new Montserrat police officer from Dominica looks forward to revitalizing his castor and coconut oil business in the future.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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