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Press Release

DPSU Voices Concern Over Public Officers’ Remuneration and Conditions

The DPSU wishes to express its concerns about the myriad of issues facing the nation and especially of those relating to public officers and other employees.

Any deterioration in a country’s economy and efficient function of the public service which arises through no fault of public officers affects their working conditions and services to the citizenry.

Listening to many public officers, it is clear that the recently concluded job reclassification exercise has not adequately addressed remuneration to public officers. The secrecy about the high salary adjustment to Cabinet ministers who were not part of the consultancy in comparison to certain levels within the establishment who did not receive an upward adjustment is of concern. It is the view of the union that the level of adjustment taken by parliamentarians in comparison to public officers sullied the process and lacked equity.

The  system continues to deny public officers the opportunity for upward mobility. An officer, particular in senior positions holding several positions is one of the ways of encouraging that unfair practice.

To many public officers across the service are acting for protracted periods which  in   some  instances  exceed  beyond 5  years  and  are  not  being recommended for appointment although they continue to perform exceptionally.

The hardship being created to retired public officers who after demitting office in some instances for more than a year and not being paid their gratuity has been drawn to the attention of the DPSU, and must corrected. A public officer who retires should not be owed by the state beyond one month.

The inability to satisfy clients’ needs due to lack of resources subject public officers to insults and unfair criticism.

The threat posed to the continuation of tertiary education of public officers undergoing training because of Government’s failure to address the issue of tuition fees is being taken seriously.

The suspicion that the Government may not be versed towards the payment of salary increase for a new triennium when negotiation begins is worrisome.

The DPSU’s Executive has drafted its proposal for salary increases which will be submitted shortly following discussions with the general membership.

Based on the foregoing members are being strongly advised that they should be on standby for a general meeting which will be called in March 2024.

Mobilization for what is expected to be one of the largest gathering of public officers will commence soon.

Additionally, the Union leadership has learnt of planned protest action for March 4th dubbed “Do nothing” by some other entity and is in no position to direct any response to its membership. The right to protest is a right that every citizen enjoys under the constitution and other international conventions and citizens whether they are members of the union or not should be left to decide for themselves.

The union is interested in a free, just, democratic, and economically viable Dominica and one whose image in the international community is well revered and respected.

This article is copyright © 2024 DOM767

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The Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU) provides effective representation for employees in the Public and Private Sectors. Our mission is to contribute towards the self-actualization and wellbeing of the members by providing superior representation and training, and to pursue an agreeable industrial environment which will result in progressive opportunities for national development.

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