
Early Intervention in Education Key to Success, Says Dr. Jeffrey Blaize

Speaking at a Grade Six National Assessment (G6NA) presentation, Acting Chief Education Officer, Dr. Jeffrey Blaize, strongly believes that parental interest and timely engagement can effectively leverage the results at these crucial stages, potentially enhancing students’ overall academic performance. He has called for increased parental involvement in the early stages of their children’s education, particularly at the pivotal junctures of grade two and grade four.

However, the onus doesn’t lie solely on parents. Dr. Blaize highlighted the equally significant role that educators and schools play in molding successful students. He underscored the necessity of using exam results effectively to pinpoint and mitigate classroom challenges. “Too often we only place emphasis on the exit exams at the primary school and sometimes it’s too late,” he emphasized, showing the strong correlation between early satisfactory performance and subsequent success at the grade six level.

Dr. Blaize also expressed that educational success is a continuous process rather than an overnight miracle. To facilitate this journey, he highlighted the Ministry of Education’s initiatives. He pointed out the ministry’s effort to boost literacy through a series of teacher training sessions and the importance of steering students’ interest in technology productively to enhance learning experiences.

He concluded his remarks with a fervent call to parents for more frequent communication and collaboration with schools. He urged parents to remember that their active participation and close working relationship with schools can be the key to their child’s academic success.

This article is copyright © 2023 DOM767

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RasTa Joe

Knowing thyself, Embracing the truth, loving thy fellow man. I am a thinker, an Artist, Community Servant, Chef, and Athlete, but Above all, I am a Dominican First. Hell will freeze over before I compromise my ideals.

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