Press Release

Election Observer Group from OAS pay Courtesy Call to President Charles A. Savarin

His Excellency Charles A. Savarin, President of the Commonwealth of Dominica, had the honour and pleasure of receiving a delegation from the Commonwealth Election Observer Group (COG) and from the Organization of American States (OAS) Election Observer Mission who paid a courtesy call on him on Monday, 5th December 2022 at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. respectively, at the Office of the President.

The three-member COG delegation was led by The Right Honourable Amina Mohamed, former Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Heritage and Culture of Kenya and former Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Kenya, and included:

Hon. Liberata MulamulaFormer Minister of ForeignAffairs of TanzaniaTanzanian
Ms. Chantal SciberrasAdviser and Head, Europe,Commonwealth SecretariatMaltese

The four-member OAS delegation was led by The Right Honourable Perry Christie, former Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and included: 

Ms. Melene GlynnDeputy Chief of MissionTrinidadian
Mr. Philip TurnerAdvisorBahamian
Mr. Barry MackeyAdvisorBahamian

Both Heads of the Election Observer Groups expounded on their respective mandate and observations whilst on island, and provided His Excellency the President with a summary of the discussions that ensued from meetings held with relevant stakeholders.

Cordial and fruitful exchanges took place between His Excellency the President and the COG and OAS delegates which were centered around the following topics of discussion:

  • The existing electoral system
  • Processes of the provisions of the Constitution and law that govern the electoral system
  • Issuance of Voter ID Card and its purpose and function
  • Sanitization of the Electors’ List; and
  • Sir Dennis Byron’s Electoral Reform Report/Recommendations

At the end of the exchanges, it was generally agreed that the report/recommendations to be submitted by Sir Dennis Byron on Electoral Reform, will receive the fullest consideration of the Government as well as members of the opposition and other stakeholders, with view to bringing quick closure on this matter.

The Heads of both Election Observers Missions thanked His Excellency the President for the warm reception and for providing them the opportunity to share their experiences, observations and reactions with him.

This article is copyright © 2022 DOM767

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Office of the President

The office of Head of State carries with it duties, responsibilities and protocol which are significant in themselves and a very important aspect of our Caribbean heritage. Charles A. Savarin was elected President of the Commonwealth of Dominica by the House of Assembly on Monday, September 30, 2013 in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

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