Press Release

Electoral Reform Effort: Finding an Effective Alternative to Indelible Ink

The Group of Church, Business and Civil Society leaders will be hosting another panel discussion on Tuesday 16th July 2019, as part of our efforts at public education and interaction, to help members of the public understand the electoral process, their role in electoral reform and the reform or enhancement requirements that are possible at this stage, and their role in electoral reform effort.

The focus of this 16th July 2019 panel discussion is to explore ways at reducing or preventing unacceptable voting practices, including the misrepresentation of voters’ identity at polling stations, and using all means possible to ensure that electors do not vote more than once at the same general elections.

The Group extends an invitation to the General Public to listen and participate in a panel discussion on  the topic:

Electoral Reform – Finding an Effective Alternative to Indelible Ink – Issuing Voter ID Cards and its advantage as an administrative tool in Sanitising Voters Registration Lists.”

The panel discussion will be held from 7:00 pm on Tuesday 16th July 2019 at the downstairs conference room of the Dominica Public Service Union building on Valley Road, Roseau.

The Group has extended invitations to the Attorney General, the Chief Elections Officer and the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, or his nominee, to explore the topic along with a member of the Group.

The Group thanks the General Public for its participation and excellent deportment in its two previous discussions and looks forward to continued exemplary participation.

The Group continues to recognize the authority of the Electoral Commission in ensuring a free and fair electoral process and appeals to all stakeholders, including political parties and the general public, to assist in whatever way possible to facilitate the process.

The Group therefore invites the public to attend and meaningfully participate in this civil discussion from 7:00 pm on Tuesday 16th July 2019 at the downstairs conference room of the Dominica Public Service Union building on Valley Road, Roseau.

The Group looks forward to another successful and educational public discussion where the representatives of Electoral Office, Electoral Commission, the Attorney General, and a member of the Group will engage the public in another panel discussion on at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday 16th July, 2019 at the DPSU 16th downstairs conference room.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

The Group
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