
Former President Eliud Williams Speak On Hospital Bill, DPSU Reacts With Concerns

Former President and National Health Commission member, Eliud Williams, has revealed that the proposed Hospital Authority Bill is for the betterment of health workers and the healthcare industry in Dominica. He said the bill will provide job security for health professionals and improve efficiency and professional competence across board.

The Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU) however disagrees with the government on the bill, stating that the proposed bill in its present design discriminates against health professionals in many forms. The union is asking the DLP administration to allow significant time for the DPSU and other stakeholders to study the bill and come up with relevant recommendations and modifications before it is taken to Parliament for approval.

DPSU General Secretary Thomas Letang said the bill in its present form would place new or non-appointed staffs of the Dominica China Friendship Hospital on a three-year contract which might actually dampen the spirits of workers and reduce their efficiency. He tasked the government to hold on with the bill until the union makes some significant changes that would favour all parties.

DPSU executive member and former president of the Dominica Nurses Association, Rosie Felix, said the National Health Commission would be doing professional health workers a great injustice if they force the legislative to pass the bill in its current form, saying it reeks of victimization and career exposure for healthcare employees. She added that the bill removes employment rewards and compensations for workers and called for it to be amended appropriately before passing.

Former President William however disagreed with the views of the DPSU, saying the government has held wide consultations with all stakeholders across the country before coming up with the proposal. He said the National Health Commission is open to receiving recommendations from groups and individuals across Dominica to make the proposed bill better and beneficial for all, but that it is not wise to wait indefinitely before the bill can be taken to parliament.

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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