Law & CrimeThe Courts

Former Prison Officer Roy Popo granted bail in the sum of EC$200,000.00

Former Prison Officer Roy Popo who was arrested and charged for the murder of Keith Isles of Morne Prosper has been granted bail in the sum of EC$200,000.00 with his wife and sister as sureties.

Justice Victoria- Charles Clarke issued the order after hearing from Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Evelina Baptiste and Wayne Norde lawyer for Popo.

The Judge then ordered the Learned Magistrate to grant bail to Popo in the sum of two hundred thousand dollars and that he must reside in Massacre. He is to report to the Roseau Police Station every Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays between 6am and 7pm and was also to surrender his travel documents to the high court.

He is to live an “industrious life” and also to retrain from interfering with all witnesses in the matter.

Any breach of the Order shall result in a “revocation of the bail.” He also has the liberty to apply to the court for a variation of the Order if he so pleases.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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