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Govt May Impose Stringent Measures for Returnees to Enforce Health Compliance

Dominican returnees may face stringent compliance measures if they continue to flout travel and health protocols put in place by the government to protect the entire populace from COVID-19 infection. This was revealed by the Director of Primary Health Care, Dr. Laura Esprit, who expressed worries that returnees are not following the regulations laid down for their return to the country.

Dr. Esprit, who is also the Coordinator of the Borders Reopening Programme, said about 183 Dominicans have returned to the island since the 10 days the borders were reopened. She disclosed that over 70% of the returnees have been isolated at the government quarantine facility because they failed to observe the mandatory home quarantined recommended by the government.

She said the “careless attitude” with which people flout isolation requirements may reverse the zero-coronavirus rate that has been achieved by the government.

As a matter of fact many of you have shown a careless attitude to what we have struggled to maintain, zero cases of COVID on the island. Many returnees were seen on the block, liming in the bars with no mask and no worry, by a day or two after arrival.

Dr. Laura Esprit: Director of Primary Health Care

She noted that Dominica remains one of the few countries in the world that have zero cases of COVID-19 infection at the moment, and that the Ministry of Health may consider a stricter enforcement of compliance rules if people dare to rubbish all the government has achieved.

She warned that any returnee found disregarding safety protocols will be quarantined at the government facility for 14 days at his own expense – meaning that offenders will pay to be forcefully isolated.

This would equate to payment by each individual upon arrival at the facility of approximately EC$4,171.50 for the period.

Dr. Laura Esprit: Director of Primary Health Care

The primary healthcare director stated that it takes only one disobedient or careless individual to re-infect the entire population, triggering the second wave of the pandemic again on the island. She emphasized that the government is eager for Dominicans at risk abroad to return home, but would not imperil the health of the entire population to have them if they would flout travel and health regulations.  

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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