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Govt Weighs the Possibility of Relocating Petite Soufriere after Landslide

Following the massive rainfall and mudslides that devasted much of Petite Soufriere and some parts of Castle Bruce, PM Roosevelt Skerrit said the government might consider relocating the communities to forestall future loss of lives and property.

Skerrit said his cabinet will meet to examine the best ways to achieve the evacuation plans. According to him, he had always wanted to relocate the people of Petite Soufriere since many years ago when the village suffered landslides, flooding, and road damage. He stated that with the recent rain damage, it is time to seriously consider moving the people to another part of the island.

I will have a meeting with government officials to look at the planning and the execution of a comprehensive national plan to have the relocation of residents in Petite Soufriere and even some parts of Castle Bruce, we have to look at relocating because of the major shift.

Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica

The prime minister also disclosed – after paying an inspection visit to the affected areas – that construction workers have begun to clear fallen trees, debris, and other impediments from the impacted villages. He added that health workers and law enforcement are also working to assist people injured in the natural disasters.

He added that construction workers have deployed heavy equipment to repair access roads, and that they are working night shifts to ensure that rehabilitation efforts are completed in record time. He also revealed that utility companies are working round the clock to restore electricity and water utilities as well as communication in the affected areas.

We have the ODM coordinating and bringing in supplies to the villages of Castle Bruce, Good Hope, San Sauveur and Petite Soufrière with food supplies which will continue to come in. While we are dealing with their immediate substantial needs, we have also started to discuss the long-term solutions to the challenges confronting the wonderful people of these communities.

Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica

The DLP leader blamed climate change for the natural disasters hitting Dominica and other countries around the world. According to him, we are confronted with a war that we did not start. He stated that the need to rebuild major facilities and infrastructure after the flooding and landslide events has necessitated the diversion of funds from ongoing projects to these newer situations.

Skerrit said this will affect the timeline schedule for delivering on ongoing projects.

This article is copyright © 2022 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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