
Gregor Nassief’s 2nd Letter & Response to Bernard Wiltshire

Dear Mr. Wiltshire,

I read your letter of November 6th which completely failed to address your egregious statement on Q95: “He [Prime Minister Skerrit] is making his friends rich. He gave I think Mr. Nassief, which one, for Fort Young, something like 21 million dollars I understand. To do what? To destroy our national monument and put a whole silo of… concrete silo in the middle of Fort Young. To make money for whom? For the Nassiefs. You understand?” I would have thought that as a former attorney general and practicing attorney at law you would have appreciated the specific allegations and the gravity of the same and not deflected and pivoted to more intellectual ramblings. Unless an admission of error along with an unqualified apology is forthcoming it is a matter that will be left to the courts to deal with as it is false, malicious and libelous.

Regarding your assumptions and opinions of our renovation and expansion of Fort Young, it is very telling that you have declined my offer of a feet-on-the-ground tour to see with your own eyes what we have done to preserve Fort Young’s historic fabric. You prefer instead to engage in the trending pastime of speculating from a distance.

On the matter of your questions “in the interest of transparency”, the document with all of the answers is sitting in my outbox waiting to be sent to you through the media. All that is required for me to press “send” is a bit of courage on your part to admit you were wrong, to apologize and to deliver the same transparency and truth that you are asking of me.

You will learn over time Mr. Wiltshire, that there is nothing in my personal or professional life that cannot face public scrutiny. I am certainly not perfect, and some things may need a bit of explaining, but I have nothing to hide. Do you?

Regarding the apology, it is my last request.

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

Gregor Nassief
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