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Law & Crime

Gunmen Enter into DCFH, Shoot Patient on Admission Bed to Death

Unknown gunmen entered into the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital (DCFH) on Monday, October 31, and shot a patient on the admission bed to death. According to Acting Police Inspector Fixton Henderson, the two gunmen wore masks before perpetrating the act in the Alford Ward of the hospital at about 7:30 pm on that fateful day. The victim has been identified as Ronald Desiree.

According to police investigations, two black CRVs with two men accosted Desiree when he was driving along Eggleston-Giraudel road on Sunday, October 30. Occupants of the vehicles shot Desiree as they overtook him and his vehicle landed in a ditch. The assailants escaped, leaving Desiree’s brother and 2-year-old child in the vehicle. He was later transported to the DCFH where he was admitted for treatment.

But the next day, two of the assailants wore masks and entered the hospital; they proceeded to Desiree’s bed and shot him several times, killing him instantly. The hospital was thrown into a pandemonium and the killers escaped. Doctors on duty pronounced Desiree dead at the scene.

A cross-section of prominent personalities across the Island has condemned the gruesome killing. Police Chief Daniel Carbon said no stone would be left unturned in bringing the perpetrators to swift justice.

Circumstances surrounding that shooting incident: Ronald Desiree, male, 25 years old of Eggleston, was driving his blue and grey Suzuki Vitara registration number HF080 along the Eggleston public road near the bus stop. He was accompanied by his 2-year-old daughter and his brother.

While driving, two black CRVs registration number unknown approached his vehicle from behind, passed alongside his vehicle, and one mask individual on one of the CVRs who was armed with a gun, shot at his vehicle several times. The assailants on the two black CRVs fled the scene. These bandits, criminals have no regard for human life. The police cannot allow these criminals to believe that they can operate with impunity.

Daniel Carbon, Police Chief

The police chief said the authorities will fish out the killers and even bring justice to their doorsteps. He said the police will hunt them down, and that they will conduct stop-and-search operations along the road as well as around the surrounding communities of Dominica. He urged members of the public to be cooperative with the police as they seek to apprehend Desiree’s killers.

While condemning the act, attorney Joshua Francis expressed concern about administrative justice in Dominica and raised the need to deploy crime scientists to assist police authorities with crime investigations.

Roseau North MP, Danny Lugay, also condemned the murder of Desiree, noting that 16 homicides have been committed in the country this year. He strongly condemned gun violence and urged lawmakers to enact stronger laws against unlawful firearm possession and unauthorized use in Dominica. He urged Dominicans to embrace peaceful dialogues in conflict resolution, adding further that everyone must be his brother’s keeper in these trying times.

This article is copyright © 2022 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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