
Internal Wrangling Threatens to Split APP Apart As Power Tussle Intensifies

Internal wrangling is threatening to split the Alternative Peoples’ Party (APP) apart as party founders go for one another’s jugulars. The new political party which is barely two years old is facing its first major crisis from within, and founding members are threatening to go to court if their differences cannot be resolved.

In an October 20 media release, APP executive Kendra Stephen said the party does not recognize Tahira Blanchard as the Acting Party Leader and Julius Corbett as the Acting President. In the letter signed in the capacity of the “Chair of APP’s Transitory Executive,” Stephen said any decisions or actions carried out by Blanchard and Corbett lacked administrative merit and therefore not binding.

She said the party is in the process of electing a substantive political leader.

But in a cease-and-desist letter dispatched by APP’s attorney Rose-Anne Charles, Blanchard warned that the ratified constitution of the party recognizes her (Blanchard) as party leader, Corbett as party president, and Sharon Vidal as deputy leader. She maintained that the ratified constitution presented to the Electoral Office does not recognize Alexander Bruno and Stephen as executive leaders in any formal capacity.

Blanchard went on to advise all media outlets in the country to ignore any statements or actions carried out by Bruno and Stephen since they are not authorized to act on behalf of the party.

Messages received from them should be treated as null and void and the dissemination of information received from any of these individuals from their media outlet would be seen as malicious and a deliberate attempt to cause harm and damage to the name and image of the party.

Tahira Blanchard

Blanchard further revealed that the APP under her leadership had sent several letters to Bruno and Stephen to desist from parading themselves as party leaders, but they refused and continue to cause mischief. She also disclosed in an October 27 letter that Bruno had resigned as APP’s chief strategist and ought to quit disseminating emails on behalf of the party, as well return party goods.

Blanchard also averred that the party’s Article 21 of the constitution relied upon by Stephen is not approved by APP’s executive since it contradicts the principles of democracy which guides the party. She also stated that there is no provision for “founding members” in the party’s constitution and so no one should parade themselves as the party’s founding members.

Attorney Rose-Anne Charles warned Bruno and Stephen to come forward for dialogue to resolve the crisis on the ground within five days of receiving the party’s letter, or a court action may ensue.

While our clients are not opposed to seeking redress from the court, they would, in the interest of the Party, prefer this matter to be resolved through dialogue with you instead of litigation so are giving you this opportunity to contact our office to arrange a meeting with them. Should we or our clients not hear from you within five days of your receipt of this letter, they will take this to mean that you do not wish to alter your present posture, and they will have no choice but to proceed to litigation against you.

Attorney Rose-Anne Charles, Attorney

This article is copyright © 2021 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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