Irving Andre, Bernard Hurtault, Johnson Boston Fault New Cabinet Members
Prominent members of the coalition of opposition parties in Dominica continue to find faults with the process of the December 6 snap election as well as the new cabinet members that resulted from the elections. Top among these are DFP President Johnson Boston, UWP political leader Thomson Fontaine, UWP President Lennox Linton, DFP political leader Bernard Hurtault, and Justice Irving Andre among other private citizens.
Following the constitution of a new cabinet after some shuffling, the opposition contends that the new cabinet members are incompetent and reflect PM Rooselt Skerrit’s poor managerial skills. According to Hurtault, most of the new ministers have overlapping functions and the conflict of responsibilities is a clear indication of Skerrit’s poor organizational skills.
Boston contended that since Skerrit’s justification for reshuffling the cabinet was because of the poor performance of several ministers, it is unimaginable that many of the deficient ministers have been given new political portfolios in other executive ministries. Boston argued that Skerrit’s style of recycling poor ministers blind the Dominican public to their deficiencies is indicative of fraud and poor selection abilities.
Andre laments what he considered putting of “integrity on sale” and selling souls for a few dollars. He warned against merchandizing the future of the country for meagre incomes and fraudulent contracts, stating it will not bode well for compromised individuals and the country at large. Meanwhile, Grenadian journalist Calistra Farrier is of the opinion that Skerrit is courting independent candidates as a detour to winning the affection of the opposition in a sly way.
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