
Is ‘Quality Health Care’ a priority for this Labour Party Administration?

The World Health Organization defines quality of care as “the extent to which health care services provided to individuals and patient populations improve desired health outcomes. In order to achieve this, health care must be safe, effective, timely, equitable, and people centered.” I still remember learning from in first year medical school lectures that “quality health care is that which is affordable, available, accessible, acceptable and accountable.”

Regardless of the definition quality health care only emanates from knowledgeable, compassionate, patient, kind, technically adept, trustworthy, experienced and morally sound health professionals who are great communicators, speak your language and understand your culture. Quality health care will never be the preserve of sitting politicians and hence the reason why political interference in the clinical care of patients is clear evidence that these politicians have priorities other than quality health care.

It is clear to me, that the callous denial to ordinary Dominicans of access to surgical services provide by Dr Hazel Shillingford and myself within our respective specialties at PMH is the most recent example that quality health care cannot be a priority for this DLP administration. This is particularly immoral when substituted foreign specialists without the necessary language, cultural and clinical competencies are thrust without accountability unto the innocent unsuspecting public.

A close look at most of the health care policies of this DLP administration reveals a dismal failure to relieve the human suffering associated with the challenges of Health Care Financing, managing the complications of chronic non-communicable diseases  (CNCD’s) and the inability to rehabilitate Dominica’s Primary Health Care system.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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