
Is ‘Quality Health Care’ a priority for this Labour Party Administration?

The World Health Organization defines quality of care as “the extent to which health care services provided to individuals and patient populations improve desired health outcomes. In order to achieve this, health care must be safe, effective, timely, equitable, and people centered.” I still remember learning from in first year medical school lectures that “quality health care is that which is affordable, available, accessible, acceptable and accountable.”

Particularly inconsiderate and unethical are the demoralizing processes to which patients are subjected to finance urgent and elective medical care overseas. Too often these patients have to resort to radio telethons or a humiliatingly climb up the Financial Centre stairs on a Wednesday. On the other days of the week they are belittled walking around Roseau or a parliamentary representative’s office with a begging bowl to finance their health care needs. Yes they do! Do we really care?

These suffering patients under this labor party regime are also denied the avenues to hold doctors (clinical and administrative) accountable for their failure to be kind, compassionate, technically adept, trustworthy and knowledgeable. Why? A revised medical act that would provide some succor and replace the old colonial medical act of the 18th century is sitting in draft form in the Attorney General’s chambers for more than ten years.

Furthermore a recommendation to improve the delivery of services at PMH thru the implementation of a Hospital Management Board continues to be shelved after more than fifteen years. This is despite the repeated requests of healthcare professionals who are all aware that the present management structure is the greatest threat to Quality Assurance and patient wellbeing at PMH. Does this reflect an administration concerned with quality health care?

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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