Law & CrimeThe Courts

Jason Grogg Granted $50,000 Bail by High Court after Magistrate Court Denial

The High court has overridden the decision of the magistrate court to grant Jason Grogg a $50,000 bail. Judge Pearl Williams of the Magistrate Court denied bail for Grogg on May 12 on the grounds that the American was a flight risk. Williams remanded Grogg at the Dominica State Prison until Justice Thomas Astaphan of the High Court intervened after Grogg’s lawyers approached his court.

Grogg is facing five indictable charges of evading customs duties after importing goods into Dominica two years ago, and three summary charges of false declaration of imports. He is represented by Jilane Prevost while the state is represented by Marie-Louis Pierre Louis and Diana Mathew. The prosecutor is Sergeant Allen Alexander who contended with Judge Williams that Grogg must not be granted bail.

Williams said she was not inclined to grant bail to the embattled American missionary because he had no gainful employment in Dominica even though his wife and three children are with him.

He [Grogg] has only been residing in Dominica for two years, his children are all US citizens who are home-schooled so they can leave at any time, and he has no established job in Dominica apart from voluntary work. There is no evidence before the court to show that the work permit was submitted or approved and he does not have a permanent place of abode as his rental agreement may end at any time.

Pearl Williams, Judge

Justice Astaphan granted Grogg bail in the sum of $50,000 with two sureties to stand as guarantors for him. He was required to surrender his travel documents – which he did to the court – and to report to the St. Joseph Police Station three times a week. He was also ordered to remain resident at his current house and not travel out of the court’s jurisdiction without express approval from the court.

His case has been adjourned to Thursday, June 8, 2023.

This article is copyright © 2023 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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