
José Thomas emerges as Salutatorian at Hampton University

José Joeleene Thomas, a Dominican from “Ah Fu Ah We” Country emerges as Salutatorian at Hampton University’s Graduation, May 12th 2019.

Miss Thomas graduates with a 4.029 Grade Point Average (GPA) from the James T. George School of Business. She leaves her top rated and nationally acclaimed Historically Black University with a Bachelor of Science In Economics, which is accented by a minor in Leadership Studies from the William R. Harvey Leadership Institute.

Ranking second in her class of over 800 students, she graduates Summa Cum Laude. She is adorned in honors cords for:

  • Golden Key Honors Society
  • Sigma Beta Delta
  • William R. Harvey Leadership Institute (with medallion)
  • Summa Cum Laude
  • Departmental Honors
  • Caribbean Pre-Alumni Council

During her undergraduate career, Miss Thomas was involved in a number of activities and has amassed a collection of awards and honors. 

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

http://news.hamptonu.eduDominican DNAJosé Joeleene Thomas
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