
Kerry Alleyne and Weston Moses epic kayak paddle around Dominica

On Saturday morning, August 28th, Weston Moses and Kerry Alleyne paddled off of Soufriere’s waters as they had many times before. This time, however, would be different.

Moses and Alleyne, friends and business partners, were set to become the first people in modern history to circumnavigate Dominica in single sea touring kayaks.

Of course, they’re fully aware and humbled by the many natives such as the Kalinago and Arawaks who have paddled these waters before them. The Caribbean has a rich history of paddling. In the modern-day, however, the feat remains unrecorded.

Moses and Alleyne took other necessary steps to ensure safety. They had fully-loaded kayaks with equipment that included radios, water-proof cellular phones, and a first-aid kit. They carried enough gear to camp out the entire week if there were no accommodations available.

Life jackets, spare paddles, and other water safety gear were necessities on the journey. And their friends in Soufriere could see them online at intervals thanks to their GPS satellite trackers.

Luckily, the moon was waxing, so the early mornings were not pitch black.

This expedition was well-planned beforehand, and so our marine adventurers were fully prepared for what was to come.

This article is copyright © 2021 DOM767

Kerry Alleyne and Weston Moses
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