
Kerry Alleyne and Weston Moses epic kayak paddle around Dominica

On Saturday morning, August 28th, Weston Moses and Kerry Alleyne paddled off of Soufriere’s waters as they had many times before. This time, however, would be different.

Moses and Alleyne, friends and business partners, were set to become the first people in modern history to circumnavigate Dominica in single sea touring kayaks.

Of course, they’re fully aware and humbled by the many natives such as the Kalinago and Arawaks who have paddled these waters before them. The Caribbean has a rich history of paddling. In the modern-day, however, the feat remains unrecorded.

The Outdoor Centre will further partner internationally to become a Sea Kayaking UK Expedition Centre and a Trak Kayak Pilot Centre. Both companies are innovative and holistic in their approach to kayaking, and their boats are high-performance yet vastly different in design from one another.

Finally, Moses and Alleyne would like to give a special shout-out to the young, inspiring kayakers in Soufriere whom they have been training with. 

For more information on the Soufriere Outdoor Centre, call +1(767) 613-5329 or email

And to see more of their sea kayaking and marine life adventures, follow Moses and Soufriere Outdoor Centre’s Instagram pages: @mrweskayak for Wes, @SoufriereOutdoorCentre for Soufriere Outdoor Centre.

This article is copyright © 2021 DOM767

Kerry Alleyne and Weston Moses
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