United Workers Party stalwart and Opposition Leader Lennox Linton has failed to recognize that Dominica is truly free. In his independence address during the recent 42nd anniversary of the country, Linton said the DLP administration has bastardized the country and implemented a second round of colonial slavery on the entire nation.
Linton stated that the present crop of leaders in the country are self-seeking and hypocritical, adding that they have constituted themselves into puppets for foreign masters. The opposition leader compared the country to a “modern-day slave plantation” under the DLP administration, adding that the government has failed to address the problems of youth restiveness, mass unemployment, low and insufficent wages, rising costs of living, and violent crimes after 42 years of independence.
As a further proof of his dissatisfaction with the present government, the UWP leader said the DLP administration prioritized importing building materials when they could have simply utilized the trees destroyed during Tropical Storm Erika and Hurricane Maria for construction purposes. He said that instead of importing wood and stones and other natural materials for construction in the country, the government could have created jobs and generated huge revenue from utilizing the natural resources destroyed during the hurricanes for building projects.
While agreeing that the COVID-19 pandemic had set the country back in several ways, Linton credited health professionals for working hard to contain the disease and urged everyone in the country to strictly observe health recommendations such as wearing of face mask, frequent handwashing, and observing social distancing.
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