Linton Denies Knowing Terry Baron or Selling Dominican Land for EC$1 Million

Lennox Linton has denied knowing Terry Baron or and Chris HP, and said there is no conspiracy to sell Dominican land for EC$1 million. CCE News reported that Chris HP acted as the intermediary between Linton and Baron to facilitate the sale of public land in exchange for campaign funding. CCE News even released screenshots of WhatsApp chats where both Chris and Linton negotiated for the land and the funding.
But the opposition leader waved the news aside, saying it is all a smear campaign to tanish his reputation, despite chats and photo evidences provided by CCE. Linton denied ever knowing Baron or Chris, or ever planning to sell national assets to promote personal campaigns. He said he did not even have them on his social media contacts.
“I have no knowledge of anybody; I don’t know Terry Baron, I don’t know Chris HP,” he said. “I know nothing of the characters who have been named to be associated with me in some sort of scheme to buy Dominican land. I have never communicated with these individuals whoever they are, whether they are real or fake. I have never communicated with them; they are not in my website contacts; they are not in any contacts I have in social media or otherwise.”
Linton said he never conspired to sell public land worth US$10 million for EC$1 million in exchange for political funding. He disclosed that the last time he discussed selling land or even sold one was when he and his wife sold a family land 4 to 5 years ago. He said he is a Mama’s boy and his mother taught him well, having taught him never to steal, cheat or lie. He said he never negotiated to sell whatever is not his.
In a swift reaction to his denials, CCE News said they have video “footage of Terry Baron welcoming Linton from his car with very friendly photos with Senator Felix Thomas, Glenroy Cuffy, Hon. Daniel Lugay, and Dr. Pharaoh Cuffy.” The media said they also have audio interview where Linton in a 60 minutes on the CBS Network mentioned Chris by name and spoke about him.
“As UWP leader denied that he doesn’t know who is Terry Baron, the photographs have raised concern that how truthful Linton is as he has publically announced it,” CCE News responded. “During the investigation, it has been indicated that Linton’s association with these two men is not new. Reliable sources are now coming forward confirming that Linton has received $1m from Terry Baron.”
Linton would not confirm that he has already obtained the US$1 million as CCE reported.
“I learned to work for what I can and to live within my means,” he said. “So this ludicrous nonsense about me gifting away or accused of gifting away state assets because of some story to do with campaign finance and all foolishness are absolutely mischievous and absolutely malicious and clearly coming from a political opposition.”
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