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Linton Says UWP Will Review MMCE’s Contracts; Val Cuffy Endorses Party

Linton says UWP will review MMCE’s contracts; Val Cuffy endorses party. Lennox Linton of the UWP said all no-bid contracts awarded by the DLP administration will be reviewed once Team Dominica wins the coming general elections. The opposition leader said light will be beamed on contracts awarded to the Montreal Management Consultancy Establishment (MMCE) among other contracts awarded on a no-bid basis.

“All of these will be reviewed and we make absolutely no apologies for that,” Linton said flatly. “It’s in the best public interest to do so.”

According to the UWP leader, it is not right for contracts financed by CBI revenue to be awarded to foreigners while indigenous companies languish for joblessness. He said local companies will be able to bid on all construction jobs and all national contracts without being sidelined anymore in favour of foreign companies.

He clarified that his government will not ban the CBI programme or stop projects that are being executed with CBI funds, but all no-bid contracts awarded and financed by Dominican money will be revisited. He also disclosed that his administration will not stop the National Employment Programme (NEP) but will rather create more jobs through the initiative. He said a minimum of 12,000 new jobs will be created under NEP by 2025 and these will span agriculture, tourism, construction, manufacturing, and renewable energy among other sectors.

Linton revealed that NEP “will be a training ground for entrepreneurship and so on as we prepare people for the world of work which will grow by leaps and bounds by our stewardship.”

Meanwhile, businessman and entertainer, Pharmacist Val Cuffy has endorsed the leadership of Lennox Linton for the UWP in the coming government administration. He tasked the people to vote out the DLP government with a “dental drug” which he termed “take them out” (TTO). His supporters have designed the take-them-out medicine box as part of their campaign to deal with the Skerrit-led administration.

“On December 6th, I will vote for Team Dominica, the United Workers Party to implement electoral reform, I will vote for a fixed election date, I will vote for campaign finance laws and I will vote for a review of the CBI program so that the monies will be used for the development of Dominica,” Cuffy said. “I have confidence that Team Dominica, led by Lennox Linton, will use the CBI money to make Dominica’s economy a vibrant one.”

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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First Citizens

A Patriot to the cause. A Citizen First before the colors of the party. Dominica needs to be reborn, we as a nation need to rise from the Ashes. My contribution is the truth. I will let the ink in my pen inform on the truth about this country and the dark path it has taken.

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