Lions Club of Dominica Donates to Bense Primary School

The Lions Club of Dominica, under the Education & Youth Committee, presented schools supplies to the Principal of the Bense Primary School.
Despite students having to begin the academic school year online, the club saw it necessary to aid in making learning more convenient for both teachers and students.
Andrea Seaman-Williams, Committee Chair Lion
As part of the supplies, the eight (8) new entrants will each receive a personalized bottle and pencil case.
The principal of the Bense Primary School, Ms. Davina Dupigny expressed gratitude on behalf of the students and staff.
We are elated to have received a quantity of school supplies from the Dominica Lions Club. Your generous donation will be put to good use as we seek to ensure that every child receives quality education to successfully function in an ever-changing society. A heartfelt thank you to the Lions Club and may the Lord continue to enlarge your territory.
Ms. Davina Dupigny, Principal of the Bense Primary School
The club expresses thanks to the members and sponsors for their contribution towards this project.
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