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Local tech firm, OS4H, Partners with Ministry of Health to create National Vaccination Registry

Dominican tech firm, Open Solutions for Health  (OS4H), has developed and implemented a digitised National Electronic Immunization Registry in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health  Investment to improve data management and increase citizens’ access to immunization  records.  

The Electronic Immunization Registry (EIR) is an online tool, which facilitates the  monitoring of individual immunization schedules and the storage of immunization  histories and is expected to enhance the performance, coverage and efficiency of the  Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI). 

The EIR was commissioned for Dominica by the EPI Unit of the Ministry of Health,  Wellness and New Health Investment and funded by the Pan American Health  Organization (PAHO). 

The EIR rollout, which concluded on April 29, 2022, entailed the training of 100 nurses,  Community Health Aides and data entry clerks to use the platform at vaccination clinics  in health centers in Dominica.

OS4H trained the nurses at their premises utilizing  advanced technological techniques. To strengthen the nurses’ knowledge of the  system, continual training will be provided via an interactive e-learning platform, with  instructional videos and quizzes, supported by training manuals. 

The project aimed to create an immunization information system, which encompasses  all areas of vaccination management to improve immunization rates, productivity and  efficiency. It will promote evidence-based decision-making and more reliable data  collation and management. 

An impressive element of the project was that, with the support of management, the  development team was led by Jody Cognet, a young female developer.

This showcased  the ability of the young female talent residing locally, an aspect championed by OS4H in  its recruitment and training.

OS4H is an equal opportunity employer and supports all  aspects of diversity and inclusion, based on aptitude and attitude to responsibility.  

Based in Roseau, Dominica, the OS4H management team of Peter Ricketts and  Mahalis Alcendor, boasts 15+ years of combined experience in health IT services. 

OS4H provides enterprise level Open Solutions for public and private health entities,  including primary healthcare facilities, general practitioners and private specialists.

The tech company specializes in a range of products for health such as localized electronic  medical records (EMR) applications for private practices, digitization of records,  registries, data management, visualization & analysis applications and enterprise  content management for public and private sector health entities.

This article is copyright © 2022 DOM767

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