
Minister for Health and Wellness Dr. Irving McIntyre on Medical Laboratory Professionals Week

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week is being observed this year in Dominica from April 19-25th, under the theme “Laboratory Professionals Get Results”.

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW) provides the profession with a unique opportunity to increase public understanding of, and appreciation for, clinical laboratory professionals.

It is a special time of year when laboratory professionals reflect on the vital role that they play to ensure that patients receive the right tests, the right diagnosis and the right treatment.

This year laboratory professionals in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment have had very little time to plan lab week activities, as a result of the significant role that they are playing in the forefront of the fight against the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

This is an unprecedented time in the history of not only our nation but of the entire world, as we respond and attempt to mitigate and control the spread of this COVID-19 pandemic.

Laboratory professionals are on the front lines 24/7, ensuring that all of the laboratory services continue, machines are functional, resources required are available, tests are conducted maintaining prescribed quality standards, and most importantly, that patients are receiving the appropriate diagnosis and treatment in an efficient manner.

Never before has there been greater public focus on this profession since laboratory professionals often work behind the scenes.  Few are aware of the critical testing that laboratory professionals perform every day to save lives, reduce morbidity and help control the cost of care.

The emergence of new and complex diseases demands that laboratory professionals remain current in their field of work to help determine and diagnose these diseases.  This, in tandem with advances in analytical science and automation, makes the work of the laboratory professionals more important now than ever.

This global COVID-19 pandemic crisis has brought to the fore the need for well-equipped laboratories with highly trained staff and an unrelenting focus on quality.

The ability to turn around quality results in quick time is the key to providing information for rapid and efficient patient management. Without this precise and valuable information, medicine would simply become guesswork.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment, and by extension the Government of Dominica, has recognized the importance of having a suitable and well-equipped laboratory facility and has therefore invested in infrastructure and equipment, an example being the PCR machine that the Ministry has had since 2018. The new laboratory facilities at the Dominica China Friendship, added to the dedicated staff at the Medical Laboratory, has proven to be very beneficial to the country in the fight against COVID-19.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the laboratory professionals in Dominica, both in public and private settings, for the critical work that they do in the interest of patient care and public health. Beyond meeting the public need, the celebration of Medical Laboratory ProfessionalsWeek will help increase recognition for the profession as it improves the individual’s sense of self-worth.

Further, as the various professional groups within laboratory practice work together, the sense of unity and purpose necessary to further the goals of all laboratory professionals is reinforced.

Whatever the setting — behind the scenes or out in our communities — laboratory professionals are by our side, working as key members of the health care team.

From April 19-25, please join the Ministry of Health and our laboratory professionals in celebrating Medical Laboratory Professionals Week and let us recognize their vital role in promoting and protecting our health.

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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Ministry of Health

The mission of the Ministry of Health is to promote the well-being of all citizens of Dominica through the provision of preventive, curative, promotive and rehabilitative health care compatible with acceptable standards of human dignity at a cost that is affordable and sustainable.

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