Natasha Jervier-Carbon Assumes Leadership of Dominica Planned Parenthood Association
Mrs. Natasha Jervier-Carbon has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the Dominica Planned Parenthood Association (DPPA). As Executive Director of DPPA, Mrs. Jervier-Carbon is expected to manage the day-to-day operations of the Association, report to the Board of Directors, ensure that the strategic direction of the Association is aligned with the mandate of the Board of Directors and implement the annual work programme of the Association in keeping with sound fiduciary practices, among other duties.
Mrs. Jervier-Carbon is a former St. Martin Secondary School and Convent High School teacher with a Master’s degree in International Relations from Liverpool John Moores University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Youth Development from UWI Global Campus in Dominica. Mrs. Jerver-Carbon brings to the Association over 15 years of experience dealing with young people, knowledge gained through being an active member of numerous NGOs and other youth groups as well as practical customer service skills. She has also acquired professional qualifications in peer mediation and management as well as leadership.
Mrs. Jervier–Carbon is passionate about youth issues and served as Dominica’s CARICOM Youth Ambassador from 2011 to 2014, highlighting health causes and promoting healthy living. She also advocates for youth rights, HIV/AIDS, chronic non-communicable diseases, and comprehensive sex education, particularly for adolescents and youths. She has also held key leadership roles in non-government organizations such as the Lions Club of Dominica, Dominica Amateur Athletics Association, National Youth Council, and the Junior Achievement Programme.
Commenting on the appointment, Phillip Carlisle, Chairman of the Dominica Planned Parenthood Association, stated, “DPPA is pleased and honored to have acquired the skills, enthusiasm, and dedication of such a professional to head the Association. DPPA has in the past been fortunate to be served by a couple of great Executive Directors. Over the past 6 weeks or so, I have had the privilege of seeing Mrs. Carbon at work, and based on what I have seen, I feel a sense of great optimism as to the continued evolution of DPPA. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are elated to have Mrs. Natasha Jervier-Carbon serve the Dominican society through the Association.”
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