
NHC Recommends Removal of 3-Year Contract Clause for Medical Professionals

The National Health Commission (NHC) has assured Dominicans that every recommendation enumerated in the proposed Dominica Hospitals Authority Bill is to ultimate benefits of medical professionals. NHC deputy chairperson Jennifer Astaphan defined “medical professionals” as referring to medical doctors, nurses, and pharmacists.

While members of the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU) have faulted many aspects of the proposed bill, one of the most contentious is Clause 32 which stipulates tht non-appointed health workers should be subjected to three-year contracts which are renewable at expiry. Astaphan said the executive board of the NHS has made recommendations to have the controversial clause removed, as already demanded by DPSU.

The NHS also said they are reviewing many other recommendations submitted by members of the public regarding the Dominica Hospitals Authority Bill, as well as three other bills which include the Medical Professions Bill, Nursing Bill, and the Pharmacy Bill. Astaphan stated that contrary to public misconceptions, that there is nothing in the draft regulations to adversely affect the career and work conditions of health workers across the country.

Although DPSU accused the NHS of depriving health workers of study leave, vacation leave, sick leave, departmental leave, travelling allowances, and job security among other things via the bill, the NHS said they have held several conferences with health workers in recent weeks to analyze the provisions of the draft bill and to assure them that they won’t lose any employment benefits on account of the proposed regulation.

“We’ve made that absolutely clear to staff,” Astaphan clarified. “This is a process which has been undertaken in several other islands; this is a process that has occurred right here in Dominica, and we have made it really clear that staff would not lose their benefits but it will be preserved and that is embodied in the legislation.”

The NHS deputy chairperson also justified the need for continuous training and professional certifications for health workers, saying it will guarantee the accountability and efficiency of medical professionals and also boost the employability of health workers. Astaphan disclosed that based on the numerous meetings held with health staffers, they all agree that continuous training and certifications are necessary for adding more value to their CVs and improving the general health sector.

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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