
No Incentives for Economic Growth in the new Budget says UWP’s Joshua Francis

Deputy leader of the United Workers Party, Joshua Francis, has expressed worries that the new national budget presented to the parliament by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit contains no incentives for economic growth. He noted that the 2019/2020 budget of over one billion dollars presented to the Fifth Session of the Ninth Parliament lacks stimulants needed to boost the Dominican economy.

“I think that the budget ought to have provided more stimulants to grow the economy of Dominica consistent to the projections of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank to achieve at least 5% economic growth,” Joshua Francis noted. “That is my main concern.”

Joshua who is also the parliamentary representative for the Roseau South Constituency stated the Commonwealth of Dominica has not experienced significant development since the Skerrit administration assumed office 19 years ago, except for major construction works ongoing since Hurricane Maria hit two years ago.

Opposition leader Lennox Linton has not reacted to the budget presented to the House by the prime minister, but it is certain he will do so in due time. Meanwhile, thousands of Dominicans have taken to social media to discuss the prime minister’s budget and how it will impact the country in the next fiscal year.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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First Citizens

A Patriot to the cause. A Citizen First before the colors of the party. Dominica needs to be reborn, we as a nation need to rise from the Ashes. My contribution is the truth. I will let the ink in my pen inform on the truth about this country and the dark path it has taken.

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