GovernmentPress Release

Observer Missions to Monitor Conduct of Dominica Elections

At the invitation of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, observer missions from The Commonwealth Secretariat, the Organization of American States (OAS), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Latin American Council of Electoral Experts (LACEE) will monitor the December 6, 2022 general elections in Dominica.

To promote the principles of transparency and good governance, the Government of Dominica has, since the 2009 general elections, invited foreign observers to monitor the electoral process.

The Commonwealth Observer Group (COG) is headed by Hon. Amina Mohammed, Kenya’s former Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Heritage and Culture; and Foreign Affairs. Former Prime Minister of the Bahamas, The Rt. Honourable Perry Christie is the Chief of the OAS Mission and Ms. Fern Narcis-Scope, Chief Elections Officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Elections and Boundaries Commission, heads the CARICOM Election Observer Mission (CEOM).

President of LACEE and former President of the Electoral Supreme Court of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Nacanor Moscoso Pezo leads the LACEE observer mission.

The election observers met with key stakeholders ahead of the December 6 polls, including representatives of political parties, civil society groups and the media. On Election Day, observers will monitor the conduct of the election, including the voting process and the counting of ballots.

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