Obtain import permit before bringing plants, vegetables, and meats into Dominica, the government told travellers following the resumption of ferry services in the country. According to Plant Protection and Quarantine officer, Nelson Laville, it is still the responsibility of travellers to obtain necessary approvals before exotic food items are brought into the country.
With the resumption of ferry services between Dominica and the French islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, Laville said there will be a massive movement of people and goods between the neighbouring countries. This will facilitate the bringing in of vegetables, fruits, animal products, and other food items into the country, a situation that warrants necessary documentation to prevent the introduction of disease into the country.
When you are doing your Christmas shopping and travels (outside of Dominica), remember to get your import permit from the Plant Protection and Quarantine Unit for all your produce, apples, grapes, onion, garlic, hams, etc.
This is to ensure that whatever you are bringing into the country is safe from all forms of disease and safeguarding you and the country.
Nelson Laville, Plant Protection and Quarantine officer
The plant protection and qurantine officer said obtaining the necessary government papers before bringing any exotic plants or animal products into the country will mitigate the risks of introducing plant and animal diseases to Dominicans. He said people must celebrate the coming Christmas and the resumption of ferry services within reason, and without forgetting to uphold the health and safety measures associated with COVID-19.
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