
Opposition Leader Jesma Paul-Victor Revokes Appointment of Senator Sean Douglas

Leader of the Opposition, Jesma Paul-Victor, publicly outlines her rationale for urging the revocation of Sean Douglas’s senatorial appointment. Acting in accordance with section 35 (2) of the Dominica Constitution, Paul-Victor formally advised the President of the Commonwealth of Dominica on November 6, 2023, to take this significant step.

In her statement today, Paul-Victor acknowledges the difficulty of this decision, emphasizing her responsibility as a servant of the State who appointed Mr. Douglas on January 13, 2023. The move comes after careful consideration of the need to safeguard the dignity and credibility of democratic governance processes from individual actions.

Expressing deep regret for this action, Paul-Victor cites a “significant breach of trust, callous disregard for the principle of collective responsibility in the Parliamentary Opposition, and a refusal to be responsible for unilateral actions” as the basis for revocation. These actions, she argues, contradict essential values for effective oversight and representation in Parliament.

The Opposition leader also addresses the verbal abuse, calls for resignation, double standards, and misogynistic disrespect she has faced. Despite these challenges, Paul-Victor reaffirms her commitment to faithfully serve the people of Salisbury, Coulibistrie, and Morne Rachette as their representative.

“I serve faithfully to the best of my ability and absolutely at the pleasure of the constituents who have the democratic right to terminate my services at any time,” she asserts. “Until such time, I will continue to discharge my duty as a creature of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica with great honour and pride, without fear or favour, affection or ill will according to law.”

This article is copyright © 2023 DOM767

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RasTa Joe

Knowing thyself, Embracing the truth, loving thy fellow man. I am a thinker, an Artist, Community Servant, Chef, and Athlete, but Above all, I am a Dominican First. Hell will freeze over before I compromise my ideals.

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