Pay Off Over $20 Million of National Debts Next Week

The Skerrit-led administration is going to pay off over $20 million of national debts next week. PM Roosevelt Skerrit announced that government creditors can expect to get paid their money by Tuesday next week. The DLP leader said the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning released the names of people the government is owing for immediate settlement.
Individuals and corporate bodies who the present administration is owing $750,000 or less will be paid off next week Tuesday and those owed $25,000 or less will be paid by Tuesday as well.
“I asked them, ‘who do we owe?’ They told me we owe some people. For example, I ask them for categories of people we owe and they say, ‘Okay Prime Minister, people who we owe $75,000 or less…’ – that comes to EC$16.4 million. And I’m saying to anybody who the government owes USD75,000 or less, by next week Tuesday you will get your full money from the government. And I asked them for people who we owe from USD200,000 and above and they say that’s about EC$6 million, and these set of people will get paid as well next week in full. And we will amortize all our outstanding payments before the end of this month to facilitate the payment of people whom we owe.”
Pro-government supporters have applauded the gesture as a good move, saying the prime minister has the interest of the people at heart. Critics, however, continue to ask where the CBI funds have gone to.
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