ACP Davidson Valerie is appealing for help to arrest two men who robbed Rubis gas station in Jimmit at gunpoint. The two masked and armed men descended on the petrol station on the evening of December 18 and carted away EC$8,700. No staff of the gas station was harmed during the robbery operation.
In a surveillance video footage, the armed robbers held employees at gunpoint before ransacking the station and carting away the money. Valerie said the police are hot on their trails but asked for the public to volunteer information that will lead to their quick arrest.
He also urged businesses that open into the night to be more vigilant and take their security seriously. He warned security officers at public businesses to be mindful of people loitering around the premises and to quickly alert the police to their presence. He said criminal elements will be on the prowl during this yuletide season to rob people of their hard-earned money.
He said on receiving credible reports, police officers will be drafted to scenes of potential robbery to prevent an attack. He said detectives may also observe the suspected persons before making arrests, but citizens must help the police to be more effective by reporting suspicious activities around their domains.
The top police brass equally tasked business owners to set up appropriate security systems that will prevent theft and burglary or aid in the quick arrest of robbers. He said surveillance cameras and other anti-theft gadgets would be helpful at discouraging robbers if they are installed in visible locations around business premises.
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