Law & Crime

Police Chief Carbon concerned about spate of crime in Dominica

Police chief Carbon says he is concerned about the spate of crimes in Dominica. His comments were made at a press conference organized by the Ministry of Justice which looked back at 2018.

“We have had (11) eleven murders for the year 2018…and we are concerned, to date we have solved (8) eight of these murders. What I can say is that I am disturbed because the three murders in the city of Roseau (Kennedy Ave, Silver Lake and at Garage Bar) we are yet to solve and this is of concern to us. Six of these murders are firearms related.”

Dominica’s Chief of Police, Mr. Daniel Carbon

In 2018, he said the police recovered and seized “twenty-three (23) firearms” which comprises of 19 pistols and 4 shotguns.

“We also seized 1,394 rounds of ammunition which comprised of 160 rounds 9mm, 1 round 10 mm, 560 rounds of .22, 232 of 357, 352 of .380, 50 round of .40 and 38 rounds of 12 gauge,” he stated.

Asked for the full statistics of the crime rate in Dominica Carbon said, “I will decide if I should release this to the media…it is my prerogative to so do and I will decide on that.”

According to Carbon, the police are doing all in their power to “protect and safeguard” the citizens and Dominica.

“The Chief of Police should not be the only one concerned about the spate of violence in the country but rather every citizen should and yes I am very concerned especially the type of murders most of which are firearms related,” Carbon stated.

Other Senior Officials at Press Conference

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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