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Police Chief Says Any UWP Protest Is Illegal; Linton Says It’s Only a Parade

Police Chief Daniel Carbon said any planned UWP protest is illegal, but Lennox Linton said it’s only a parade. The opposition leader had instructed members and supporters of the UWP to gather at the Pottersville Savannah on Creole Day for some rally, but Carbon said he has not been duly notified of the rally, declaring it is illegal and in violation of the law.

Police authorities said any Independence March planned for Creole Day should have been cleared with the law enforcement. Carbon said anyone arrested for protesting in the name of any party will be dealt with, saying it is better for celebrants to enjoy the independence festivities without bringing in any political colorations to it.

Linton however debunked insinuations that the planned Independence March is a protest, clarifying that it is only a peaceful parade in solidarity with the cultural celebrations. The opposition said the UWP planned to hold a rally where they could express cultural affiliations in the spirit of celebration national independence.

According to Linton, anyone should be free to hold a Creole parade on a Creole Day in a free and democratic society such as Dominica. He added that people should be able to celebrate their cultural and national identities anyway they see fit so long they do not break the law in doing so. He stated that such parade should not necessarily require police permit since the whole nation is in a mood of celebrations.

Carbon said he will consult with former Police Superintendent Nicolas George, a UWP officer who is now retired, to determine a way forward with the issue at hand.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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