The Courts

Portsmouth man pleads guilty to GBH with Intent

Anthony Joseph of Portsmouth will know his fate on June 14th, 2019 when he returns to court for sentencing by justice Victoria Charles Clarke.
One thing he is sure of is that he will not face jail time. That was indicated to him by the Judge. Joseph is represented by lawyer David Bruney.

The State’s case is that on August 12th, 2016 in Savanne Pie, Joseph caused grievous bodily harm with intent to Conrad Boyd.

He was placed on remand after he breached his bail conditions but a request by his lawyer seeking bail with the support of the prosecution was granted by justice Charles Clarke.

“I won’t be sending you to jail…so I will grant you bail as I want you to work to pay compensation however you have to report every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to the Portsmouth police station between 7am and 7pm, bail is set at three thousand dollars in your own recognizance, ” she said.

Meantime, a matter dealing with “concealment of birth” by a female was adjourned to June 2019 for sentencing after a social inquiry report is submitted to the court.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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