
Prime Minister and Education Minister Speak At Refurbished Primary School

PM Roosevelt Skerrit and Education Minister Octavia Alfred spoke at the re-opening of the newly renovated Wotten Waven Primary School. The prime minister and education minister thanked the Maria Holder Memorial Trust for their assistance in refurbishing the primary school and others that were destroyed by Hurricane Maria in Dominica.

Based in Barbados, the memorial trust has helped in rebuilding several schools in Belles, Concord, Trafalgar, Warner, and Roseau among others. The newly completed Wotten Waven Primary School was handed over to the Ministry of Education as a resilient and highly adaptable model primary school. Minister Alfred thanked the trust and the Dominican government for the school refurbishment, saying it will aid learning and help the upgrade of education across the country.

“The ministry of education is proud of the work that has been done in conjunction with our various partners to return our students across the island to safer structures where they can thrive and expand their knowledge,” Honourable Alfred said.

PM Skerrit even went as far as suggesting that one of the primary schools renovated by the Maria Holder Memorial Trust be named after them as a mark of appreciation for their help in refurbishing damaged schools in Dominica. He said the renovation will promote the academic future of children in the country and support the government’s drive to get everyone educated in Dominica.

“They have extended a hand of friendship, a hand of development to our country and we have been seeing and benefiting from the fruits of this commitment and words can never express our gratitude to you,” Skerrit stated.

A consultant with the memorial trust, Jane Armstrong, noted that it took two years for the school renovation project to be completed and regretted that Wotten Waven primary school which should have been first to be completed emerged the last to be completed.

“To have completed this in two years is a real achievement and there are lots of people to thank and recognize for this,” Armstrong stated. “When we originally started the overall project, Wotten Waven was to be the first on the list but now as it happens; it’s the last school to be completed in the project.”

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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