
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit says UWP’s CBI model is a joke

At the official launch of Octavia “Teacher Bonnie” Alfred, the candidate for Castle Bruce constituency, Prime Minister of Dominica Roosevelt Skerrit, having compared his Dominica Labour Party (DLP) and Lennox Linton’s, United Workers Party (UWP) – the “difference between quantitative and qualitative,” went further to denounce UWP’s citizenship by investment (CBI) model “is a joke,” alluding to a joker in a pack of cards.

“Their CBI model is a joke,” Skerrit emphasized, “It is suicidal” But they had to agree to it, to get campaign funding. All these pretty ads you see surfacing were produced and financed by one sponsoring company.”

“Their agreement to give all their CBI business to one company would be disastrous for Dominica. His [Linton’s] plans to do away with all other CBI agents but one, would wreck this economy. He can come and suggest otherwise but I know they have promised one company an exclusive agency for Dominica’s CBI program,” Skerrit said.

Does Linton’s CBI “joke/suicidal” plans have anything in common with “Cambridge Analytica, Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL) and Henley & Partners featured in most Caribbean countries with Citizenship by Investment Programs (CIPs) and Saint Lucia, one expert asked?

It has also been established in the international press and the UK parliament that SCL was engaged with the ruling United Workers Party (UWP) in Saint Lucia, an affiliate party to Linton’s UWP in Dominica.

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