Law & Crime

Rayburn Blackmoore Wants Heavier Prison Sentences for Hardened Criminals

The Minister for National Security, Rayburn Blackmoore, has advocated for heavier prison sentences for hardened criminals in Dominica. Despite his advocacy for longer incarceration, Blackmoore said prisoners should also be given second chances to atone for their crimes. He revealed that the government has instituted certain initiatives to enable prisoners develop their talents and serve their communities.

According to the national security minister, murderers and rapists should be put away for life to sanitize society and make it safer for all. But inmates charged with lesser offences should be made to undergo rehabilitation reforms that will reduce recidivism in the larger society.

One of the things that I advocate and that the government advocates is that we need to place serious emphasis on corrections. There are some inmates that should be there for a long time; you kill somebody and you’re found guilty, you have to spend the rest of your life in jail; you rape a minor, you should be put away for the rest of your life. But the majority of our inmates should be given a second chance. People should leave the prison as better persons, and that is why we are placing emphasis on reforms.

Hon. Rayburn Blackmoore, Minister for National Security

The national security chief noted that some years ago, part of the prison reforms initiated by the government included allowing some eligible inmates to sit for CXC examination. Others were made to undergo sewing and craft programmes so that they can have something to fall back on when they are released after completing their sentences. He said many inmates learnt the fundamentals of construction among other profitable skills in the prison.

According to Blackmoore, some of the prison reform programmes were paused when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the nation. But given that COVID-19 infection in prison facilities is not as impactful as it used to be, he said the government is looking to resuscitate some of the programmes again as part of its prison reform agenda.

This article is copyright © 2023 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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