
Roosevelt Skerrit predicts DLP will win upcoming polls by ‘bigger margin’

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is predicting that his Dominica Labour Party (DLP) will win the upcoming general election” by a bigger margin” than it did when it won a fourth consecutive victory at the polls in December 2015.

General elections are constitutionally due by March next year, but political observers believe that Skerrit will name an election date before year end.

Both the DLP and the main opposition United Workers Party (UWP) have been launching their candidates for the 21 seats over the past few weeks. In the last general election, the DLP won 15 of the 21 seats.

The UWP said it would launch its full slate of candidates on Sunday.

“On Sunday, 19th May our 21 member team of champions for real change in the governance of the affairs of Dominica, our Isle of Beauty, our Isle of Splendour will be presented to the people of Dominica, to the people of the Caribbean and the rest of the world,” said UWP leader, Lennox Linton.

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