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Roosevelt Skerrit Selects 13 new Labour candidates for the 2020 General Election

Having been given the mandate to select candidates for the upcoming general elections, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit Selects 13 new Labour candidates for the 2020 General Election at his party’s Londonderry delegates conference.

He made sweeping changes and announced a slate of candidates that he said is in the “best interest of the part.” Among the casualties are education minister Peter St. Jean, Dr. Colin McIntyre, Johnson Drigo and Justina Charles. Roosevelt SkSkerrit also named his wife Melissa Skerritt for Roseau central, and former UWP member for Roseau central MP Joseph Isaac to contest Roseau north.

In a shocking move, Jaisiah Benoit who was groomed to contest Roseau south had his dreams shattered after Chekeria Lockhart Hypolite was announced as the candidate. Medical Doctor Irvin McIntyre will replace his brother, and accountant Fidel Grant will be the candidate for Wesley.

In more controversial actions Skerrit discarded Cassius Darroux after one term in the Kallinago territory replacing him with Cozier Frederick. Edward Registe will run for Grand Bay, and Dominica Festivals Commission  (DFC) Executive Director, Marvin Williams will replace Dr. Kenneth Darroux in petite Savannah. The 30 year old Anika Charles replaces Dayton Bannis to battle opposition leader Lennox Linton of the United Workers Part in Marigot.

#DLP CandidatesConstituency
1Roosevelt SkerritVieille CaseRoosevelt Skerrit
2Reginald AustrieCottageReginald Austrie
3Ian DouglasPortsmouthIan Douglas
4Roselyn PaulPaix BoucheRoselyn Paul
5Catherine DanielColihautCatherine Daniel
6Nicholls "Shanks" EspritSalisburyNicholls (Shanks) Esprit
7Rayburn BlackmooreMahautRayburn Blackmoore
8Denise CharlesSoufriereDenise charles
9Joseph IsaacRoseau NorthJoseph Isaac
10Edward RegisteGrand BayEdward Registe
11Gretta RobertsGrandfondGretta Roberts
12Anicka CharlesMarigotAnicka Charles
13Cozier FrederickSalybiaCozier Frederick
14Octavia AlfredCastle Bruce
15Kent EdwardsLaplaineKent Edwards
16Marva WilliamsPetite SavanneMarva Williams
17Chekira Lockhart HypoliteRoseau SouthChekira Lockhart-Hypolite
18Adis KingSt. JosephAdis King
19Melissa Ponponne SkerritRoseau CentralMelissa Ponponne Skerrit
20Dr. Irving McIntyreRoseau ValleyDr. Irving McIntyre
21Fidel GrantWesleyFidel Grant

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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  1. Why would anyone put their wife… ok let me rephrase this: Are we going into a ruling family for Dominica? Is this how law, order and governance has evolved? What experience does she have Skerrit? So leadership is not about a person’s worth, but more about a feeling. I have too much to say and I am overwhelmed. Let me gather my thoughts and get into politics mode.

    1. Why allu minding our business – check your vibes somewhere else nuh. LABOUR all the way. I voting for wife, grandmother and children. Everyone of the Skerrit family have my vote.

    2. Bro that woman is royality. is just a set of jealous people we have in Dominica (UWP). put your woman to comment for you intead. Is people like you that have the mentality backward.

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