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SGA Comments on the Ongoing Industrial Strike Action at the DSC

The Student Government Association (SGA) of the Dominica State College is aware of the dire situation that is currently taking place on campus, and as the head of the student body we stand in solidarity with the staff at the forefront.

First and foremost, we sincerely apologize for our absence at this morning’s demonstration, however we intend to take a stand as this matter is to be continued.

We also apologize on behalf of the student body for not turning out in the numbers as we should,however this is due to the timing of the protest action as today marked the start of the end of semester examinations which will continue until May 21st 2021. Thus, students are busy preparing for their examinations and as much as they would like to stand in solidarity with the staff, exam preparations are preventing them from doing so.

Additionally, students were informed that no examinations would be rescheduled to permit students who missed their examinations to take part in the action to do it at a later date. 

Furthermore, we appreciate the efforts of the staff to not disrupt the examinations. Also we commend them for the unity that they shared and the professionalism that followed in the process.

The conditions at the Dominica State College have affected the majority of the student and staff population for a number of years. Students are exposed to dangerous and health-threatening hazards that can be very detrimental to not just students’ physical health, but to those of the staff.  It has become such an everyday issue that we tend to look at it as normalcy, but we can proudly say, as the head of the Student Body and in agreement with the staff that “DSC DESERVES BETTER AND DSC WILL BE BETTER!”

Therefore we call out to available students to willingly join this worthy cause and help make a difference, maybe not one you will witness, but your younger siblings may reap the benefits.

In unity there is strength, and we clearly stated at the beginning of our campaign, “It’s always we and never me” so let’s make that difference together!

This article is copyright © 2021 DOM767

Student Government Association
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