
Shannon Keegan’s Historic 66km Swim Along Dominica’s Waitukubuli Sea Trail

Shannon Keegan, a renowned marathon swimmer from Oregon, USA, is poised to make history with a 66km swim along Dominica’s Waitukubuli Sea Trail. This challenging endeavor, set to begin at midnight on November 25, 2023, from Scotts Head to Capuchin, marks the first 40-mile swimming marathon along this trail. Keegan, a mother, swim efficiency coach, and podcast host, aims to raise ecological awareness of Dominica’s seas through this trailblazing journey.

Keegan’s passion for open water swimming began with a 10km swim in Bermuda in 2010. Her impressive feats include a record-setting swim across Loch Ness and a 59km swim in Lake George. This latest swim in Dominica is not just a personal challenge but also a spotlight on Dominica as a prime destination for open-water and marathon swim attempts.

The Waitukubuli Sea Trail, established in early 2023, is the Caribbean’s first dedicated sea kayaking trail. It offers breathtaking views of coastal villages, cultural experiences, and various activities like snorkeling and mountain hiking. Keegan’s swim is supported by the Soufriere Outdoor Center (SOC), which founded the trail, and HHV Whitchurch & Co Ltd.

The swim will be closely followed by a support team, including two kayakers, a boat captain, observers, and a coordinator. Dominica’s Ministry of Tourism and the Discover Dominica Authority will provide updates on Keegan’s journey, highlighting her efforts to promote environmental protection and adventure tourism in Dominica.

Dominica’s citizens have expressed their admiration and support for Keegan, recognizing her contribution to raising awareness and showcasing Dominica’s natural beauty. This swim is a significant step in promoting Dominica as an eco-friendly adventure destination.

This article is copyright © 2023 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!


  1. So proud of you and thanks for choosing my tiny island of Dominica!!
    It is sure inspiring and is motivating me to take my swimming to the next leve!

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