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The Courts

Skerrit and SC Astaphan Blame Lennox Linton for Recusal of Judge Stephenson

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and legal representative for the Dominica Labour Party, Senior Counsel Anthony Astaphan, have tough words for Opposition Leader Lennox Linton over the recusal of High Court Judge Bernie Stephenson for a treating case.

Judge Stephenson had earlier ruled that her court had no jurisdiction to hear the 2014 treating case in which PM Skerrit and 14 other DLP candidates were accused of influencing the outcome of the election by offering material incentives for people to vote for them, and organizing a concert with international artistes in what is calculated to influence people to vote for the DLP.

The matter went to the OECS Court of Appeal and the court ruled that the High Court in Dominica has the powers to hear the case – a development that made Judge Stephenson to recuse herself from the case – considering the additional allegations of the UWP that the judge is a puppet of the DLP and would remain biased against the opposition.

The Bar Association issued a statement condemning Linton’s allegations against Stephenson, saying no members of the public must drag the honourable reputation of any judge in the mud for a case that is yet to be determined. The association made it clear that everyone has freedom of speech, but that must not be used to malign a court judge or give misleading comments that could tarnish the image of the judge.

While blaming Linton for his unguarded statements against Judge Stephenson, Skerrit made it clear that the Bar Association should have come harder at the opposition leader and called their tameness unfortunate. He said the baseless accusations peddled by Linton against Stephenson are shocking and unwarranted in their entirety.

Meanwhile, SC Astaphan pointed out that Linton should be prosecuted for contempt of court and for ridiculing a serving judge.

Something has to be done to protect the integrity of the judges and the courts. This assault…this barrage of threats and insults against a female judge is totally unacceptable to me. Something has to be done by the State to protect the judiciary and to ensure that those who executed those criminal acts against the judge are prosecuted or some form of civil action brought against them.

Anthony Astaphan: Senior Counsel

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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