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SKERRIT v. LINTON: A Compare and Contrast Analysis of Dominican Political Leadership

Honesty, integrity and selflessness are the basic attributes of a good political leader. These qualities can be mapped through careful and responsible analysis of political leadership, when the inquiry is premised on the merits and understanding of politics and how formal political organizations are led or managed.

Though these traits did not go through the measurement maxim (as I indicated), they could be factored into the casual analysis of the respective leaders – Skerrit and Linton in this case. We already know, based on my survey findings, that Linton is seen as the superior leader when it comes to honor, integrity and selflessness, so one may wish to apply the listed qualities to either Linton or Skerrit and come up with their own opinion. The fact is, political leadership is a practical approach to human relations and it would be disingenuous of me not to recognize the tremendous strides that Linton has made in molding a political party in the face of opposition adversity which plagues Dominican and Caribbean politics.

Linton has managed to keep his party together, with one noticeable exception (the defection of Joseph Isaac). He has done so with a renewed sense of purpose through progressive team building, and in the face of tremendous legal and other setbacks. Skerrit, on the other hand, is seemingly on a one-man conquest; he is the brand of his party and his political ambitions do not necessarily speak to his strengths as a consensus team-builder/leader. By mere observation only, one could conclude that both Linton and Skerrit adopt different leadership styles and, while it is left to be seen what the eventual outcome will be in terms of their leadership legacy, it is always healthy to discuss such observable traits of those who serve in public office. This is what democracy demands.

We already know that Linton’s leadership approach, as expressed by the Dominican constituents, is more honest, selfless and integrity driven. When team-work/team building and the maintenance of the democratic structural principles party leadership is added to this, it would be rather disingenuous for any credible social observer not to appreciate that Linton is exemplary in that regard. Skerrit’s strengths are in his public persona and charming charisma. Skerrit is obviously successful at creating his own political niche, but is this personality branding sustainable when it comes to his party?

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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Alexander 'Pawol' Bruno

Alex is a trained and experienced Media-Communications Specialist. He has spent almost two decades on media in the Caribbean from his Island home, Dominica, The Nature Island of the World. Alex is now based in Florida U.S.A, where he has set up a business outlet "One Caribbean Culture" to focus on issues with relations to Caribbean peoples and how Caribbean cultures interface with others.


  1. What I think would have added another dimension is adding the founding political leaders in the mix of this article. How their present-day successors’ measure to those great personalities who help shape Dominica from its infancy (getting its independence to how it is today).

  2. OKAY!!! So are there only three political leaders in Dominica? Is there such a political party called The Dominica Freedom Party (DFP). Does it have a leader? YES it does. It is Economist, Kent Vital. Did you think he was not worthy to be included in your analysis or this simply a UWP article disguised as an analysis look at DLP and UWP leadership profiles and strategies?

    1. HAHAHA – Freedom is Dead. When was the last time you heard anything? if Mamo was there, then maybe you had a chance at a few seats. But with the lack of Leadership in DFP. It’s impossible to keep the main alive, muchless win a seat.

  3. Pawol, really great Article – this type of discussion and analysis is missing in today’s journalism circles. It’s really in-depth and I think unbias in its final anlysis.

    1. I am sorry that’s not journalism. The article is too long. Filled with desperate nuances and rhetoric. Its really a pathetic attempt to boost the image of the UWP leader. I expected better from Alex – he paints this picture of being fair/balanced and walking the divide – but in reality, he is just another pen piece for a failed UWP.

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